DONT SAYY THAT!! Listen, your friend mysteriously gets his hands bandaged up pretty badly, then u hear that your friend and his lover are not talking to each other as they usually would, and finally, you suddenly find out from someone else that your friend is leaving this whole palace and place, moving away from everything. Don't you think, this is more than a coincidence. Use your brainss!
But I get it. Maybe he just assumes everything is okay and is just being a good person by trying to change his friend's mind. But likee.., UGHH!
DONT SAYY THAT!! Listen, your friend mysteriously gets his hands bandaged up pretty badly, then u hear that your friend and his lover are not talking to each other as they usually would, and finally, you suddenly find out from someone else that your friend is leaving this whole palace and place, moving away from everything. Don't you think, this is more than a coincidence. Use your brainss!
But I get it. Maybe he just assumes everything is okay and is just being a good person by trying to change his friend's mind. But likee.., UGHH!