Oh.. no.... I saw the spoilers, they did not come as a surprise.. But lowkey WHAT DID SHE ...

Waterphoenix March 12, 2025 8:17 am

Oh.. no.... I saw the spoilers, they did not come as a surprise.. But lowkey WHAT DID SHE THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN??? Nothing has indicated that Riftan would want her doing all this ??? Even as a reader sympathizing with her, she has not proven at all that she is capable of being out here. I know she's in love, with him but I low-key think this is borderline obsession to be by his side at this point, it's like a lifeline for her. I think I will skip next chapters of him being rightfully mad about this..

    hoshuji March 14, 2025 4:12 pm

    while I do agree with some of the points you made, I think that maxi has shown some real growth during this entire ordeal. Yes it may not be up to riftan's standards but maxi literally healed so many people and ruth himself said that she is progressing (albeit slowly) with her powers and mana. Plus, I think she can rightfully say that riftan is her life line cause HE IS! Are we forgetting that the poor girl was literally abused in her old household? If riftan dies then she has to go back there so I think she has the right to be obsessed about being beside riftan 24/7 if that meant she wouldn't have to go back to her abusive family. Let riftan be mad at her recklessness but let's not disregard maxi's effort and reasonings behind her actions. /nm

    Waterphoenix March 14, 2025 5:46 pm
    while I do agree with some of the points you made, I think that maxi has shown some real growth during this entire ordeal. Yes it may not be up to riftan's standards but maxi literally healed so many people and... hoshuji

    I actually think you brought out a great narrative, it is true that we should not disregard the reasoning behind her actions and think about the gravity of the abuse behind it all. I do enjoy her growth and I wish both main characters will continue to grow towards healthy love<3