
Vin March 12, 2025 7:57 am

why was fl called the owl and was nis target before

    Kaizenix March 14, 2025 10:00 am

    It's spoiler... Do u still want it?

    cherry March 14, 2025 10:37 am

    codename obviously?

    rinniesky March 14, 2025 11:02 am
    It's spoiler... Do u still want it? Kaizenix

    Pls spoil meeeee

    Yuki Naomi March 14, 2025 1:20 pm
    It's spoiler... Do u still want it? Kaizenix

    I need to know!

    Kaizenix March 14, 2025 7:16 pm
    Pls spoil meeeee rinniesky

    Ok so~~~

    Fl, owl, is actually the daughter of the Russian scientist and the deputy director she tried to kidnap. Crazy.
    - Her mom was the one who blinded her and told ML to marry her, because she didn't want her to meet the dad and get her memories back. Also she wanted to keep her safe. The project owl's main point was to keep her safe.
    - Her mom had a really sad backstory, but she was a spy who married the FL's dad to keep him in track and to let the CIA know what's up.
    - They coerced her to get pregnant, but also to give away the baby once FL's dad didn't seem to want it.

    rinniesky March 15, 2025 1:38 pm
    Ok so~~~Fl, owl, is actually the daughter of the Russian scientist and the deputy director she tried to kidnap. Crazy.- Her mom was the one who blinded her and told ML to marry her, because she didn't want her ... Kaizenix

    Thank youuu and where do u know all this? Is it from a the novel?

    Kaizenix March 15, 2025 2:06 pm
    Thank youuu and where do u know all this? Is it from a the novel? rinniesky

    Basically yeah.... Tho I take these particularly from novel updates forum... The spoilers can be searched up

    renren March 16, 2025 1:01 pm
    Ok so~~~Fl, owl, is actually the daughter of the Russian scientist and the deputy director she tried to kidnap. Crazy.- Her mom was the one who blinded her and told ML to marry her, because she didn't want her ... Kaizenix


    BITCH-CHAN March 20, 2025 12:19 am
    Ok so~~~Fl, owl, is actually the daughter of the Russian scientist and the deputy director she tried to kidnap. Crazy.- Her mom was the one who blinded her and told ML to marry her, because she didn't want her ... Kaizenix

    wait im slightly confused. I understand the mother wanted the ML to marry her to protect her from her dad and to prevent her memories to resurface however then why did the mission end within 2 years? what was the point??

    BITCH-CHAN March 20, 2025 12:19 am
    Ok so~~~Fl, owl, is actually the daughter of the Russian scientist and the deputy director she tried to kidnap. Crazy.- Her mom was the one who blinded her and told ML to marry her, because she didn't want her ... Kaizenix

    wait im slightly confused. I understand the mother wanted the ML to marry her to protect her from her dad and to prevent her memories to resurface however then why did the mission end within 2 years? what was the point??