I just binged all the vol 3 raws

hiro_megumi March 12, 2025 6:26 am

…and I have a few take aways:

1. I’m tired of this lovesick little twink thinking he’s the center of Tsubaki’s universe. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 I get that Nana’s receiving mixed signals because he can’t see Kabuto, but Tsubaki isn’t smiling at you, stupid, so stop drooling all over him! I’m worried that the author is going to drag this misunderstanding out for an excruciatingly long time. His sad eyes whenever he looks at Tsubaki makes me die of third-hand embarrassment every time he shows up. Ugh.
2. Tsubaki trying to figure out how he can touch Kabuto without breaking him is just sooooo cute…in a kind of terrifying way. ( ̄∇ ̄") And it’s heartbreaking that he realizes he feels this way and yet Kabuto doesn’t have a body…ack! My heart!
3. I really like Ibitsu. In a bizarre way, I think he’s the most normal of them all. His knowing smiles just send me.
4. That sensei is sus. Not just that he’s gonna try to hurt our precious Tsubaki, but my conspiracy theory is that he’s somehow involved in Kabuto’s accident…!

    vyyy March 12, 2025 9:22 am

    My friend,, I totally agree with all your opinions.. especially number 1, that bitch is too confident (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻