I don't care for the lion lady. I don't really understand her purpose. I know people try t...

blue bird March 12, 2025 5:06 am

I don't care for the lion lady. I don't really understand her purpose. I know people try to make her out to be this deep character but she is like a annoying fly that won't go away. While on the other hand Orisis is so scary to me but the lion lady is not. Like I don't fear her like I fear Orisis. I know lion lady and Orisis have different methods of evil. It seems like she causes trouble but for what reason??? She just feels ...there. She was laughing and I was just like Ok..... ( ̄∇ ̄") You are laughing by yourself because what's funny?(⊙…⊙ )

    JayJay (I'm back!) March 12, 2025 7:23 am

    Her role isn't explained that well here and you can only "get" her if you read on her real world mythology: in Ancient Egypt's myths, Sekhmet was basically the embodiment of karma: divine retribution. She acts like a bitch because she embodies "divine payback" and "payback's a bitch," after all: she's the symbol of all that.