Is It Too Much to Ask for a BL Where the Dorky Guy Actually STAYS a Dork/Doesnt Have a “Secret Hot” Side?

LeatherKitten March 12, 2025 4:27 am

Really great but the “twist” kinda ruined it for me. They just couldn’t resist making the seme secretly be a hot/ stylish guy who has no problem fitting in with “cool” kids. Kinda undermines the “it’s ok if you don’t fit with a certain group” message, huh? And it highlights a completely different identity issue, and that’s the one where people who are conventionally attractive pretend they’re super dorky and uncool/don’t know any better about self presentation when they actually do. Hate that fake humble shit. So that means you were sitting back and snickering with your buds the whole time in the first few chapters ? Staying quiet while they called him a loser, huh? Yikes
