can THOSE ppl pls stop promoting sayonara wanderer under every single fcking comment and manga its getting so annoying & ik im not the only one thinking this, just the only one who is brave enough to call them out.. i mean promoting stories is fine but at least make it a good one holyyy shit
One click and all I saw you read is porn so I don’t really think you should be saying “ at least make it a good one” when all you read is crap and rape pookie (≧∀≦)
its lowk funny how the day they say theyre gonna stop doing that u complain LOL. not hating btw its just that the timings funny asf. btw pres if ur reading this dont crash out over them not saying its a good story. im pretty sure theyre a ragebaiter considering their profile ( ̄∇ ̄")
One click and all I saw you read is porn so I don’t really think you should be saying “ at least make it a good one” when all you read is crap and rape pookie (≧∀≦) Me_for_ president
babes, i dnt just read porn its the only thing i log
its lowk funny how the day they say theyre gonna stop doing that u complain LOL. not hating btw its just that the timings funny asf. btw pres if ur reading this dont crash out over them not saying its a good st... lebron's #1 pookie bear
Cant you just block them or something if you’re actually pissed about something as silly as this then you really need to turn off that device of yours Read_lotm&orv
bruh yall r a cult and this bitch been copy and pasting the link under every single manga
Have you noticed the ones that talk the most shit always have the same pfp like they’re all rapist. Again if you don’t like me, that’s fine but if you’re gonna open your mouth and talk shit have good taste please.
Have you noticed the ones that talk the most shit always have the same pfp like they’re all rapist. Again if you don’t like me, that’s fine but if you’re gonna open your mouth and talk shit have good ta... Me_for_ president
nobody likes youuu im literally getting messages abt u rn ur always complaining abt sum shit, just cus i enjoy a piece of fiction doesn’t mean anything so stfu
can THOSE ppl pls stop promoting sayonara wanderer under every single fcking comment and manga its getting so annoying & ik im not the only one thinking this, just the only one who is brave enough to call them out.. i mean promoting stories is fine but at least make it a good one holyyy shit