Sekhmet wants to defeat Osiris, plain and simple. It's only that any other gods that step one milimieter out of line also get punished by her in the meantime, because, well, that's what she exists for: Sekhmet is Ra's law enforcer that punishes gods and humans alike by bringing hell on them, if they take one single half step out of line. She is the embodiment of divine punishment that spares no one.

Nope, Sekhmet works for Ra, and Ra isn't against the ancient gods, it's just that Ra and the ancient gods now just have different (but complementary) functions: Ra is the chief overseer of creation, and the ancient gods oversee chaos and nothingness, which means their realms are separate but cant exist without each other.

No, Ra's not an ancient god, it's just that she was *born* from the very darkness and chaos in the ancient gods' realm, they mention it's her birthplace (she's the god ofthe sun and her birth meant to beginning of light, and the separation of light from the darkness, according to real world mythology). Her daughters' mirror *connects* to the darkness in the ancient god's realm, because that darkness was Ra's birthplace.

3. Those were Isis' thoughts, not Sekhmet's. Isis is the one who wanted revenge, and she's refering to her persisting feelings from season 1, where she was an emotional time bomb so bent on revenge that she'd go for it even if the only way to get it meant everyone's destruction (like, when she was about to flood Egypt). Those thoughts signify she understood that what Sekhmet means to do now is finally let her way (her revenge) by wrecking destruction, but *only on Osiris*
I don't know what Sekhmet wants anymore