This is one manhwa adaptation I can confidently doesn’t translate the novel very well not because it’s a bad manhwa but bc of how much narration gets cut out because it’s not inner or spoken dialogue (yuder is also not the type to speak a lot). And the official translations, sorry it’s a bit inconsistent and I see some readers getting confused…I’m caught up to raws and would recommend reading the novel when the translator releases 1000+(they update one ch per day). At this point the story went through a majorly long incredible battle arc and the chapters after feel like tranquility after the storm, although rn in the raws (ch1229 rn) the plot is kicking up again in an ace attorney/politics direction. The translator is caught up to the raws but you have to pay a subscription for more chs or buy and mtl the raws.
This much lore dump is not fun to wait-read week by week. It’s so good but if anyone who didn’t start reading yet and looking at the comments, I recommend letting this one marinate for a year! I might do the same as someone who likes to binge