Lmao, yeah. It's like the characters
stops existing during the time they don't see each other. We're supposed to like the seme because he's hot and got a sad past. And we're supposed to relate to the spineless MC who can't ever make a single decision or say what he's really thinking, causing only more misunderstandings.

Uh, I guess? But they knew each other for one year and for a solid portion of that time he looked at MC like a pawn to piss off his brother who was ruining his life. So he didn’t even have feelings for a year and you’re saying in reality you’d carry a torch for yeeears for someone you had a crush on and knew for a couple months in middle or high school? Feels so unrealistic but I guess it could happen?

This isn’t about reality or thinking how anyone else would feel irl. I’m talking about the ML’s character only. If you read the recent chapters on his backstory, you’d know that it showed that everyone around him was terrible and he didn’t have close friends.
It doesn’t matter when they met or how long they knew each other. It’s obvious that the concept of a person who is in a terrible environment and surrounded by terrible people will naturally be very attached to the very first and only person that brought them sincerity and happiness. The simple way to think is to put yourself in his shoes, not think about your own ideals. If he had a terrible life before, met one person that made him happy, then that person disappeared and his life went back to being bad, then it’s obvious he’d stay attached to the one good person in his life.

Also tbh, maybe you’ve never held strong/serious feelings for anyone or think highschool feelings aren’t serious, but there’s millions of people who have felt that way about someone. It’s when that person they have a crush on made an impact on them, which stays with them for a long time. It’s not unrealistic at all, I just think you’ve probably never had such feelings before. Not everyone has the same unserious/easy feelings

It IS about reality, actually, because if you read my comment it’s all about ME (not to sound self centered.) I’m stating an opinion about tropes I’ve grown tired of seeing because due to MY perceptions I can’t immerse myself into the plots as I find myself able to enjoy stories more when I either relate to/ groove with the world building or characters. Also, whether intentional or not, don’t make presumptions about me or anything I’ve experienced. You can see I acknowledged that it could happen to someone (in your reality I guess to millions) but it felt unrealistic for me personally. Thanks for the discourse.
So tired of the doormat MC and toxic seme trope, it’s beyond outdone. Seme has every reason to be bitter and CUT OFF HIS FAMILY and I’ll never understand holding a candle for middle or high school feelings for a decade of no contact like all these things get under my skin in manga/novels I swear, but I’m trying to hold out to see if there’s something at the climax that makes me go OH SHIT THATS GOOD because we didn’t even get to see the technical antagonist (the brother) have a satisfying death.