Am I the only one who actually loved this whole misunderstanding and breakup plotline?? I ...

irises March 11, 2025 5:02 pm

Am I the only one who actually loved this whole misunderstanding and breakup plotline?? I was actually getting bored of their lovey dovey scenes being shown all the time but seeing this angsty arc AND ALSO IT BEING WRITTEN SO WELL I loved it honestly

    nightwave March 11, 2025 6:41 pm

    I'm not a fan of angst because I'm a cheesy fuck and I also get too anxious reading them, but this is well written and it makes me super excited for the third season. Author said in the epilogue that they love reunions and that we'll see how they grew as people after four years.
    They also said on twitter that they were scared of reading the fans' opinions on their "breakup" but it seems people didn't take it that bad

    elven March 11, 2025 7:43 pm

    The thing is, it MAKES sense. It’s not some random angst that the author put in, it was BOUND to happen - that’s why it’s so well written because this development was actually needed for the both of them. It wasn’t forced at all.

    irises March 11, 2025 8:29 pm
    I'm not a fan of angst because I'm a cheesy fuck and I also get too anxious reading them, but this is well written and it makes me super excited for the third season. Author said in the epilogue that they love ... nightwave

    Omg really?? I did not know that honestly I can tell that the author really put in effort into their whole breakup arc it felt so realistic and human??

    irises March 11, 2025 8:32 pm
    The thing is, it MAKES sense. It’s not some random angst that the author put in, it was BOUND to happen - that’s why it’s so well written because this development was actually needed for the both of them.... elven

    LITRR and it also doesn't feel like there's a right or wrong to their whole "falling out" it's just two individuals who are hurt

    nightwave March 11, 2025 8:59 pm
    The thing is, it MAKES sense. It’s not some random angst that the author put in, it was BOUND to happen - that’s why it’s so well written because this development was actually needed for the both of them.... elven

    TRUE. It's not just them fighting for the sake of fighting, or having a misunderstanding and making up like five times per season and we never know whether they're actually growing as people or not.

    disposable March 11, 2025 11:50 pm