Everything about it is just so nice, from the magic, aura, dragons, system, regression, and so much more. There's just so many elements perfectly woven in one. And the romance??!! Perfect between him and the princess plus I don't think there's going to be a harem which makes it even better. I love how expressive and enthusiastic the mc can be like he's really experiencing it for the first time. Not something you'll see with other ITK blockheads regression mc(s). Definitely a good read
Everything about it is just so nice, from the magic, aura, dragons, system, regression, and so much more. There's just so many elements perfectly woven in one. And the romance??!! Perfect between him and the princess plus I don't think there's going to be a harem which makes it even better. I love how expressive and enthusiastic the mc can be like he's really experiencing it for the first time. Not something you'll see with other ITK blockheads regression mc(s). Definitely a good read