Unpopular Opinion

Btblimh March 11, 2025 5:33 am

I’m not looking forward to this chasing arc. I feel like there’s no real reason for it. It’d be one thing if ml actually did something to push mc away but he didn’t. The only reason he left was because of his brother which is insane. I get he’s grieving over his bf but why would you want to tear away your brothers love too? He said it was to protect him but I call bs.

    Scarlet Angel March 11, 2025 5:22 am

    Jiwon's lover, the original editor K "Kim Seonggyu" was k*lled by chairman Kang. Seonggyu's mother used him to replace her son as an editor K using his guilt over his lover's death. His view on rich guys become warped and he thinks Zeo is using Rawon for his own benefit too.

    Btblimh March 11, 2025 5:32 am
    Jiwon's lover, the original editor K "Kim Seonggyu" was k*lled by chairman Kang. Seonggyu's mother used him to replace her son as an editor K using his guilt over his lover's death. His view on rich guys become... Scarlet Angel

    Yes I know the backstory but my opinion is still the same.

    Zeruuuuu March 11, 2025 6:45 pm

    imo his bro hates elites to the bone so that might be the reason why he thinks its better to break them apart

    sui bian March 12, 2025 12:42 am

    in my honest opinion it's hardly a chasing arc since as you said, there's no real reason. their story is actually a slow burn type but slightly different from the usual kind of slow burn which is why i can't fault readers who say they don't see a chemistry between Zeo and Rawon. i just feel like ppl are way too impulsive when we hadn't really seen any actual progress besides them managing to bed each other. and then there's the matter with Rawon's brother. yeah he overstepped using Rawon's feelings like that and sure he partly did it out of brotherly concern but i just go with his actions as baby steps towards accepting his brother's eventual choice. not that i'm complaining but it doesn't really help that the updates are every 10 days since the story progress and character development takes twice as long

    Yellow March 21, 2025 12:01 am

    This.why every manhwa they want the top to chase?haha.and beside zeo’s reason not to follow rawon is to protect him too by the chairman…if he follow rawon then the chairman will gonna know where is rawon and maybe he will gonna use to blackmail jiwon(as editor k now) and zeo.and its more complicated.but then this commenters just focus on chasing arc not the plot…

    Ochako March 21, 2025 1:29 am

    Yep, it just feels kinda unfair to ML atp. If I was ML and knew the actual reason for MC's actions I would never want to be with him again. He would always make me anxious if someday his sibling would say something he'll up and leave again.

    Spiffy Muffin March 21, 2025 5:28 am

    I’m annoyed by the brother as well. His issues are his own and it’s messed up to force his hyung to break up because of it. I know younger bro thinks he’s protecting his hyung, but he’s ultimately protecting himself and projecting his issues into his hyung. You don’t threaten the happiness of the people you love to “protect” them.