Nymphet March 11, 2025 1:30 am

Wooyeon will be shot with a lot of tranquilizers because he really was crashing out when Inseop was taken to the hospital. Inseop's parents will come and they will go back to America. It will be goodbye for them, Wooyeon didn't even let himself be seen by Inseop.

But anyway, they will see each other again after 1-2 months because Inseop will write a letter to Wooyeon and Wooyeon won't be able to hold himself back. That's all for today.

    seoulights March 11, 2025 1:44 am

    oh i love you so much, thank you. wooyeon wasn't the only one about to crash out after this hiatus notice

    Merriebee March 11, 2025 4:00 am

    Why wouldn't Wooyeon let Inseop see him?
    I need this spoiler like a drug, lol, so thanks!