I think imma drop this

Beaniebby March 11, 2025 1:24 am

This chapter just made me sad asf it just pretty much confirmed what I already thought. I was really hoping that the story wouldn't go in that direction. But seeing him flat out basically say the only one he cares about it the OG Owen and that he is the only one that matters & he justbdealing with the others because they all have the same face is very wild & inconsiderate. Like the other Owen aren't individuals as well. We clearly see each Owen have their own personality and traits. && just to cast aside them is making me really sad. It doesn't feel fair at all. Then he's only shopping gor OG owen & The OG daughter. Why not just make the others disappear if the only one he cares about is the Og Owen and the Og daughter. I think i might drop this or put it on hold.

    Loli March 11, 2025 2:46 am

    Honey he gotta soothe him or they all will be gone lol.
    He loves all of them differently and that's actually better than loving them the same, if you notice he does things with them that he never did with og Owen so just wait a bit for things to unfold more clearly.
    Also he didn't mention buying things for other Nois but I am sure he thought of them and bought something for them as well, I believe it's the same with other Owens.