raise your hand if you cheat. amen. these tests are ass tho.

jigu's juicy tits in my mouth March 11, 2025 1:15 am

I cheated on my second exam and scored a 94%. My first exam I didn't cheat and got a 82%. Would the professor be suspicious by the sudden improvement? do I need to score less on my 3rd exam so it takes off the suspicion?

I wish there were better ways to show you understand the subject aside from literal memorization. I have bad memory okay, I'm at a disadvantage already. Wish I had photographic memory or smth (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    niku March 11, 2025 1:22 am

    Nah professors don’t care enough to be suspicious about that

    lebron's #1 pookie bear March 11, 2025 1:25 am

    Jigu wouldn’t be proud of u lil vro

    Alice K. March 11, 2025 1:28 am

    No do not purposefully score less. My suggestion is go to office hours more, make your professor believe you're trying harder

    jigu's juicy tits in my mouth March 11, 2025 1:28 am
    Jigu wouldn’t be proud of u lil vro lebron's #1 pookie bear

    he would be proud to know his juicy tits fit perfectly in my mouth ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

    jigu's juicy tits in my mouth March 11, 2025 1:36 am
    Nah professors don’t care enough to be suspicious about that niku

    hope you're right

    jigu's juicy tits in my mouth March 11, 2025 1:38 am
    No do not purposefully score less. My suggestion is go to office hours more, make your professor believe you're trying harder Alice K.

    thank you for input. The best I can do is email have bad anxiety.

    onigiri March 11, 2025 1:40 am

    how does one cheat without getting caught bcs I am so lazy to come up with a foolproof cheating methods that I just study all in

    Roolepi March 11, 2025 1:46 am

    Girl i thought u were talking about cheating on a partner LMAO i was about to throw hands

    They will not care as long as you do not get caught, but if this class is important on your education, i deeply recommend you to get some knowledge out of it

    jigu's juicy tits in my mouth March 11, 2025 1:55 am
    Girl i thought u were talking about cheating on a partner LMAO i was about to throw handsThey will not care as long as you do not get caught, but if this class is important on your education, i deeply recommend... Roolepi

    Cheating on a partner is a no no for me too. I don't cheat and I dont give second chances to cheaters.

    Anyway, the class is a prereq for my program. The course info itself isnt exactly gonna be used in the career I'm going into, so I dont think imma need to take it too seriously, just need to pass.

    jigu's juicy tits in my mouth March 11, 2025 1:56 am
    how does one cheat without getting caught bcs I am so lazy to come up with a foolproof cheating methods that I just study all in onigiri

    is online exam, non proctored. idk how to cheat irl either. that's an extreme sport if you ask me.

    Okarisu March 11, 2025 2:15 am

    Not noticeable imo. I was borderline failing every single chemistry exam. Then I studied harder and got the second highest score on the final. Teacher didn’t find it suspicious at all. Just knew I’d studied harder.

    LotusCrisps March 11, 2025 2:33 am

    I mean tbh, if it's online exam that professors probably already know some students might cheat.. i used to work as an assistent professor and every time there's an online exam, she ask me to mark down the points for every student that got the answers right but have a similar answer to other student.. ykwim? ( ̄∇ ̄")

    If your exam came out with a good score then that means you did a good job cheating lmao, that professors prolly didn't care anyway~ i'm sure it's fine (≧∀≦)

    jigu's juicy tits in my mouth March 11, 2025 2:44 am
    Not noticeable imo. I was borderline failing every single chemistry exam. Then I studied harder and got the second highest score on the final. Teacher didn’t find it suspicious at all. Just knew I’d studied... Okarisu

    This is not online tho, right? The test was in person? If so, hats off to you

    jigu's juicy tits in my mouth March 11, 2025 2:46 am
    I mean tbh, if it's online exam that professors probably already know some students might cheat.. i used to work as an assistent professor and every time there's an online exam, she ask me to mark down the poin... LotusCrisps

    It was mainly multiple choice and true/false, so I dont think having matching answers gonna prove anything. But if you're right about them not caring, then thank jigu's juicy tits, I'll survive for another test

    LotusCrisps March 11, 2025 3:50 am
    It was mainly multiple choice and true/false, so I dont think having matching answers gonna prove anything. But if you're right about them not caring, then thank jigu's juicy tits, I'll survive for another test... jigu's juicy tits in my mouth

    If it's true/false then i'm 100% sure that professor couldn't care less about cheating lmao, that just mean they're way too busy to care about that exam.. they just want an easy way to give the students a score since they can just ask someone else to grade it ( ̄∇ ̄")
    At least that's what my professor did everytime she's too busy to check on the results, yk, since i can't really give a grade for essay

    jigu's juicy tits in my mouth March 11, 2025 3:54 am
    If it's true/false then i'm 100% sure that professor couldn't care less about cheating lmao, that just mean they're way too busy to care about that exam.. they just want an easy way to give the students a score... LotusCrisps

    Amen, thank you for your insider input. This really puts me at ease (▰˘◡˘▰)

    Roolepi March 13, 2025 1:59 am
    Cheating on a partner is a no no for me too. I don't cheat and I dont give second chances to cheaters. Anyway, the class is a prereq for my program. The course info itself isnt exactly gonna be used in the care... jigu's juicy tits in my mouth

    You're being a hug to my heart, someone who prioritizes her education and won't forgive bs from partners... I wish more people were like you

    Keep it up! Just don't get caught ^^