Bro the cover art is giving the impression of some dark romance story and made me not wann...

Slytherinlarrie March 11, 2025 12:52 am

Bro the cover art is giving the impression of some dark romance story and made me not wanna read it yet for the longest time but in reality it’s uni students and all mild vibes and cute relationshipssssss, I mean it’s not cotton candy pure there’s some past traumas and gang involvement for second couple Ml etc but on screen stuff there’s nothing but their relationships

And omg when was the last time I read a comic with such a nice cast of characters and all the net of their relationships being developed in a way I even care about all their combinations of friendship dynamics too not just the romance couplessss, I love themmmm,

But also why was the lesbian such a shit stirrer at first like DAMN, but her fashion is so cute literally my styleeeee

And okay first couple are cute but nothing too extraordinary but second couple are so so adorableeeeeeee, daeshik literally my new favorite bottom HES MY LITTLE RAINBOW VOMIT DETERMINED HAMSTER I LOVE HIM SO MUCH, and he’s kinda so like meee his thought processes of not taking everything as is and always stepping back and reevaluating his thoughts about things, being scolded for an offhand homophobic remark and immediately getting into action questioning why he said what he said and putting in the work to research queer experience and culture and be an ally, but also not calling himself straight by default but going in with the thought that he hasn’t determined what he is yet and thinking theoretically about it all, cause sameee I did the sameeee, i didn’t have the standard “I liked a girl so I must like girls” experience, I started with dissecting things in theory whether I could like girls or not since I never thought of it before and whether it’s romantic or sexual etc ToT

But anyway he’s so cute I love himm also the art of them is so damn funny cause whys the artist determined to draw him in that cartoonish styleeee, even when he’s sitting between the first couple he’s in that simplified tiny style, or getting picked up by Yosef or idkkk he’s always drawn in such a funny style and when standing to Yosef too shshdhshs, but also Yosef too I luv him he’s such a sweethearttttt and I diedddd when daeshik said Yosef is his baby now I’m still dying and the way he was the one to orchestrate the plan to take down the org and make his giving in not dangerous etc

But also their sex scenessssssss, the size difference? Insane, the fact that Most of it was all fingering? Delicious, the fact that he’s such a green flag top that isn’t chasing after his own orgasm and would be fine not even getting pleasured at all, not needing to put it in at all, not needing to put it all the way in etc, AND the fact his “just tell me if it hurts I’ll stop” arent empty words and he actually does it, bro he’s a breath of fresh air in the world of yaoi tops like DAMN

    Slytherinlarrie March 11, 2025 1:13 am

    Daeshik is so unusual too, he’s not shy AT ALLLLL, literally what he thinks immediately comes out of his mouth with NO filter, even if he’s embarrassed he’ll admit it out loud, he calls this big buff gang member dude cute and adorable and beautiful, climbs him like a tree, he doesn’t hold himself back at alllll from pursuing him and gives it his all, he’s smart and quick and puts two and two together immediately, figured things about first couple on his own, and figured things about Yosef immediately too, what he does, his motivation, what he holds dear, how he must’ve felt, “oh he kissed me and can’t stop thinking about him, what do I do? Of course call him in the corner of uni and tell him about it along with how I have a boner from his voice, oh I’m wondering if I’m sexually attracted or in love? Lemme voice that question out loud, let me say it out loud that HE likes ME if he can’t confess it to me himself, doesn’t want me coming alone for my own safety? Well TOO DAMN BAD ILL GRAB SOMEONE AND COME OVER EVERY DAY THEN

    He’s such an insane little shittttt, bro even asked yohan if their dick size are similar and if he can ask jihyun how to take a big dick……