Look, between Melmont and Kin and the rest (with the base laid out by Abel), you'd think the Princes character might be MAYBE a little weird.
So it kinds makes sense that Kin's worries are like "oh noes, he might evolve into a terrible playboy if no one watches over him, whatever are we gonna do" but off-handedly proposes just a tiny little bloodbath. Just a bit of homicide. For morale.
Look, between Melmont and Kin and the rest (with the base laid out by Abel), you'd think the Princes character might be MAYBE a little weird.
So it kinds makes sense that Kin's worries are like "oh noes, he might evolve into a terrible playboy if no one watches over him, whatever are we gonna do" but off-handedly proposes just a tiny little bloodbath. Just a bit of homicide. For morale.