This story

Yellowcanary March 10, 2025 5:03 pm

I think the story does multiple things really well, but some of the things I wanna give it props on is the male SA storyline being done in extremely respectful way like they make it clear from the very beginning that he is a victim and that his victimhood does not diminish anything from him even if he thinks so. It’s so rare to see a storyline of this nature being handled with the care it deserves. Another thing is Yebin’s story because he suffers in a way comparable to reincarnation stories first life of the MC because every time you think it can get worse a line like “and you want me to sit around sucking my thumb and loving your cancer cells” is said to him like my god he has nothing left please leave him alone but as a tragedy it’s amazing and even though he is a side character and could have easily been another villain they didn’t go that route with him and I love it
