Chapter 15 summary

Desperado March 10, 2025 4:26 pm

I don't know when OR if your lastest, hardworking scanlator will upload the missing chapter, but for those curious, here's a summary of the 15th chapter:

The guys who jumped Asami and Akihito, or rather TRIED TO, were from a local mafia organization. The dynamic duo, who are well-seasoned by fighting REAL mafia organizations of Chinese and Russian lineages, kicked their asses without breaking a sweat. The ringleader was the same bearded guy (henceforth called "Antonio") that Asami had to use his bouncer skills on earlier to toss out of the bar.

One day, Asami went out shopping for spices in his Clark Kent disguise- eyeglasses and all- and spotted a churro shop. Knowing the way to Akihito's heart (or rather to Akihito's trouser monkey) is sweets, he bought like, half a dozen of them. Whilst doing so, he spotted Antonio AGAIN who had caused the ruckus in the bar, and who had been in the group that had jumped Akihito and Asami before. Antonio was involved in yet another fight and getting his ass kicked once more, which apparently Antonio's good at.

Asami thought, "Imma gonna ignore this fucker", but then a damsel-in-distress being dragged off cried out, "Help me brother!" and Antonio yelled out something that revealed that said damsel was Antonio's little sister.

Asami's a sucker for damsels-in-distress [see: Takaba Akihito], so he kicked THOSE guy's asses without taking off his glasses, or dropping a single churro... and then casually went on his merry way to the bar where Akihito was cleaning up in preparation to open the bar for the evening.

Asami gave Akihito the churros, along with a chocolate sauce for dipping. In case you aren't familiar with churros (which might maybe be one or two people here), they are of course, a very long phallic-shaped treat. I won't give away what happened next (use your dirty imaginations, or better yet use Asami's dirty imagination), but needless to say, the bar failed to open that evening.
