I fucking hate this I hate the main character, the writing is shit, and to add insult to injury the tan buff guy isn’t even the bottom. I hope this author steps on shit and falls on their face
You can critique the work all you want. But personally attacking and wishing harm to the author is where I draw the line. It only shows your sick mentality. You didn't pay anything to the author from your pocket, did you? You know what go touch some grass and cool down a little bit.
You can critique the work all you want. But personally attacking and wishing harm to the author is where I draw the line. It only shows your sick mentality. You didn't pay anything to the author from your pocke... Shic ❤
Im crying . Yeah sorry, stepping on shit and falling on your face is truly such such a horrible thing to wish on someone I can’t believe i could ever let myself be this mean on the internet
Im crying . Yeah sorry, stepping on shit and falling on your face is truly such such a horrible thing to wish on someone I can’t believe i could ever let myself be this mean on the internet nuts
No, I'm sorry too. I was harsh on you. A close friend of mine was being cyberbullied and your comment triggered me.
No, I'm sorry too. I was harsh on you. A close friend of mine was being cyberbullied and your comment triggered me. Shic ❤
Gurl.. it was sarcasm people on the internet will always say whatever the hell they want but don’t let that get to you or your friend. You should probably work on your ignore game. Just a word of advice
Gurl.. it was sarcasm people on the internet will always say whatever the hell they want but don’t let that get to you or your friend. You should probably work on your ignore game. Just a word of advice nuts
Easier said than done. Some people are just blessed that it doesn't affect them but most people do get affected by it and in extreme cases they took the wrong step.
Easier said than done. Some people are just blessed that it doesn't affect them but most people do get affected by it and in extreme cases they took the wrong step. Shic ❤
Don’t make it deeper than it is, specially if it’s a comment a complete stranger made. I think you are the one that needs to touch grass tbh
Don’t make it deeper than it is, specially if it’s a comment a complete stranger made. I think you are the one that needs to touch grass tbh nuts
Seems like you take Cyberbullying as a joke. Wishing someone to get hurt isn't something a sane person would say and you can't just get away by saying it's sarcasm cuz it's definitely not.
If you find pleasure in harassing others on the Internet. Then, god bless you.
A fucking idiot you are shic well at least you’re aware the block button exists nuts
Omg shut the fuck up the way you apologize and text is so funny you don't even mean it a little but and here you are cursing.Shic is not an idiot you are the biggest dumb ass.So shut the fuck and keep your narcissistic ass personality to yourself
Omg shut the fuck up the way you apologize and text is so funny you don't even mean it a little but and here you are cursing.Shic is not an idiot you are the biggest dumb ass.So shut the fuck and keep your narc... Smash for big dicks
“keep it to myself” you say as you keep replying to my comments. I think everything I said flew right over your heads.
Omg shut the fuck up the way you apologize and text is so funny you don't even mean it a little but and here you are cursing.Shic is not an idiot you are the biggest dumb ass.So shut the fuck and keep your narc... Smash for big dicks
Also I never apologized, the “apology” was sarcasm because what shic was saying was so stupid and they took everything seriously. You guys are snowflakes
Also I never apologized, the “apology” was sarcasm because what shic was saying was so stupid and they took everything seriously. You guys are snowflakes nuts
I knew from the start it's sarcasm it smells so much that anyone can notice it.
I fucking hate this
I hate the main character, the writing is shit, and to add insult to injury the tan buff guy isn’t even the bottom. I hope this author steps on shit and falls on their face