this how relationships die :)

kickassfu March 10, 2025 2:41 pm

friends do hug sure. but cuddling someone in your sleep while avoiding your partner and hardly seeing them??? when all your other friends slept somewhere else? it sure looks fucking weird.

reading a weird text on your partner's phone and wondering if they're cheating and not saying anything? it's fucking stupid.

and now (i'm assuming it's what's going to happen) seeing your partner apparently "kissing" (they're not kissing i bet you 100 dollars) someone else and leaving and not saying shit about it and avoiding them even more?? your relationship is dead.

i'm not saying it's just one person fucking up. they both need to talk shit out. but damn. if i was the older person i'd be like you don't want to meet up with me, you don't want to talk? bye.
