lmao, stupid fkn hyuk, THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR IGNORING YOUR MAN YOU FKN CHILD!! what an absolute missmatch of a couple I usually enjoy age gap stuff if it's a mature story, but this sht is all over the place plus the younger one is actually soooo fkn immature. GROW THE FCK UP!! this is pissin me off
Both aren’t confronting each other, no communication. Hyuk has always been pretty immature so I expected that lol. As for Hyobin, I thought he would directly and quickly communicate but he’s also busy and confused.
lmao, stupid fkn hyuk, THATS WHAT YOU GET FOR IGNORING YOUR MAN YOU FKN CHILD!! what an absolute missmatch of a couple
I usually enjoy age gap stuff if it's a mature story, but this sht is all over the place plus the younger one is actually soooo fkn immature. GROW THE FCK UP!! this is pissin me off