10/10 read. yearning off the charts

uwurie March 10, 2025 11:12 am

the author being a fan of Pride and Prejudice is very obvious here lol. this is very much a period drama, full of aristocratic affairs and Yearning.

highly recommended to read this if u’re into drama, angst, misunderstandings (a lot of it), conflicts of a noble with a commoner, and of course, slow burn Yearning. the characters love to just Look at each other and lots of slight subtle changes in facial expressions. very beautiful.

the two main characters r also very layered, not everything is black or white, good or bad. everyone has their own reasons for acting or thinking a certain way, and there are those who r aware of their own shortcomings and unconscious prejudices. i just love it.. the two main characters went thru so much, going in circles with each other before finally being able to settle down into a proper relationship. i adore them. (tho there were some frustrating moments..)

it also rly puts into perspective the idea that there is a thin line between hate and love. i feel like that quote/idea is very much a core part of these two characters.

only downside for me is that the happy moments were too short-lived. as much as i appreciated the ending, i felt like it happened a tad too fast and can only wish we could’ve seen more of them as a couple without obstacles. but either way, it was a very compelling read.

    uwurie March 10, 2025 11:16 am

    also loved the simon cameos!!!! wish we could’ve seen conor w him as well :’)))

    uwurie March 10, 2025 11:17 am
    also loved the simon cameos!!!! wish we could’ve seen conor w him as well :’))) uwurie

    fffffccuk how do i delege repley..