this has got to be one of the most boring bls ever. reading this is like torture, couldnt even get past the first few chapters. idfc abt the gamer shit its lame as hell.
Your taste lame as hell if you can't handle this, this is obviously a slowburn you can't expect them to kiss and have sex in the first few chapters lmao only
i just know you’re gonna be complaining when the sex & romance scenes happen too bc they’re very unsure and it’s not like other bls that have them obsessed w each other immediately or just immediately know how to have sex. you might as well drop it if you don’t like the slow burn story
Your taste lame as hell if you can't handle this, this is obviously a slowburn you can't expect them to kiss and have sex in the first few chapters lmao only Jaiden
babes, i enjoy slowburn romances which is the reason i decided to give this a shot but this is just bs. the plot is way too focused on gaming and not on them interacting irl.
i just know you’re gonna be complaining when the sex & romance scenes happen too bc they’re very unsure and it’s not like other bls that have them obsessed w each other immediately or just immediately... rileWHY
again, i like slowburn & idc whether they have sex or not i just wanna see them actually interact
News flash, this story isn't for you if you don't even like the gamer premise of the story. Also, porn do NOT equal plot. You need to branch out Lil Miss Otaku
ive read gamer bls before & i found them enjoyable but this one is way too focused on gaming. ALSO IM NOT A PORN ADDICT.
this has got to be one of the most boring bls ever. reading this is like torture, couldnt even get past the first few chapters. idfc abt the gamer shit its lame as hell.