Disclaimer idk if everything is true we'll see when the english translation comes out I can't read korean so yea lol this is all gathered information take it with grain of salt
So from what I have gathered from the raws and from what people have said and from all the other spoilers I have gathered they were together hazel cheated and ash broke up with him and didn't want to talking about it no bonding was involved no nothing BUT HAZEL started telling their friends all these lies and stuff to get to ash especially after he found out ash has a boyfriend rn like bro get over it you cheated get out Later on in the chapter ash confronts him and basically hazel fucks off and lyle find out the truth and woohoo no more sad couple (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
Spoilers here!!!!!!!!!
Disclaimer idk if everything is true we'll see when the english translation comes out I can't read korean so yea lol this is all gathered information take it with grain of salt
So from what I have gathered from the raws and from what people have said and from all the other spoilers I have gathered they were together hazel cheated and ash broke up with him and didn't want to talking about it no bonding was involved no nothing BUT HAZEL started telling their friends all these lies and stuff to get to ash especially after he found out ash has a boyfriend rn like bro get over it you cheated get out
Later on in the chapter ash confronts him and basically hazel fucks off and lyle find out the truth and woohoo no more sad couple (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)