Mr ido must’ve genuinely wanted the best for sejin the second time around with no quid pro quo. And now that they’re romantically involved he must feel even more quilty than before believing that they don’t deserve to be together after what he did to sejin. Very bittersweet, here’s hoping he doesn’t do anything drastic.
I agree with you. Their story is too complicated to be resolved at once. There are some many wounds between them, though Ido is the one who faces more all these cause his memories. This needs time and we need to be patient.
Mr ido must’ve genuinely wanted the best for sejin the second time around with no quid pro quo. And now that they’re romantically involved he must feel even more quilty than before believing that they don’t deserve to be together after what he did to sejin. Very bittersweet, here’s hoping he doesn’t do anything drastic.