tbh that’s the biggest difference with gay stories vs straight romance that includes rape from the romantic lead. gender power dynamics are difficult to avoid when stories include dark topics and explorations of a twisted romance. i also can’t stand m/f pairings like these because it comes from a place of an unsettling oppression no matter how hard it tries to distance itself. it always feels like it stems from the patriarchy instead of a true enemies to lovers. compared to bl or gl where rape or sa can be used but then given a different complexity or meaning given more context (and no the sexual violence isnt justified just because it’s gay !!)

That’s kinda messed up lol. Though I think I get your sentiment. No offense meant in my statement.
Guys raping guys is just as bad. The sexual assault of any individual regardless of gender is awful and equally and as emotionally, physically, and mentally damaging. There’s definitely the case to be made that childhood and adolescent trauma is worse but again I think on the lines of gender it is still equally as damaging.
Obviously this is fiction….but I hope that feeling doesn’t matriculate into how you view assaults in the real world.
Idk if it's just me but if Keith was a woman I'd have hated this story so fucking much man I can't stand women in toxic relationships or getting r@ped in the name of romance but I'm enjoying this story a lot just cause it's BL I think something is wrong with me