if you’ve read so far and still think eheon didn’t lead hyunho on and wasn’t in the wrong here go back and read again LMAO. bro jumped to conclusions that hyunho MUST be a manslut that gets around and apparently that justifies the fact that he lead him on by the nose and then discarded him to the side without even straightforwardly explaining that he didn’t want more than a one night stand don’t make me laugh bro
if you’ve read so far and still think eheon didn’t lead hyunho on and wasn’t in the wrong here go back and read again LMAO. bro jumped to conclusions that hyunho MUST be a manslut that gets around and apparently that justifies the fact that he lead him on by the nose and then discarded him to the side without even straightforwardly explaining that he didn’t want more than a one night stand don’t make me laugh bro