And why would they come to Lyle's house, ash's new lover, and talk about his former lover and how in love they were and how broken ash was over the break up, IN LYLE'S HOUSE! What kind of friends can u be to be doing this. Honestly I feel like they are doing it on purpose. Because there's no fucking way these grown adults who are supposed to be Ash's best friends don't have the common decency to to shut the fuck up about all ex around a new lover your just meeting. Idk man, it's fucking passing me off.
And why would they come to Lyle's house, ash's new lover, and talk about his former lover and how in love they were and how broken ash was over the break up, IN LYLE'S HOUSE! What kind of friends can u be to be doing this. Honestly I feel like they are doing it on purpose. Because there's no fucking way these grown adults who are supposed to be Ash's best friends don't have the common decency to to shut the fuck up about all ex around a new lover your just meeting. Idk man, it's fucking passing me off.