He can't be thinking of boarding the heavenly express, right? What makes this awesomely ...

Lin March 9, 2025 3:43 pm

He can't be thinking of boarding the heavenly express, right?

What makes this awesomely heartbreaking is Ido's sincere guilt. He knows what he did and understands how fucked up his actions were and how monstrous the costs were. It's no surprise he would have a hard time living with himself especially when he believes seeking forgiveness will cause the person he destroyed more harm in his second life.

Feels too guilty to stay and grow closer but also feels too guilty to leave. I have no idea what the right answer from his perspective is.

    Bodyody March 9, 2025 4:45 pm

    No fr I’m like there’s no way he’s thinking about getting rid of himself…I feel bad for him too, but that’s probably because we don’t know all that happened between them two before all of this.