One of the pioneers of Hunter-verse, with OP main lead. Art and fight scenes are spectacul...

Tugtug March 9, 2025 1:46 pm

One of the pioneers of Hunter-verse, with OP main lead. Art and fight scenes are spectacular, so hard to draw movement, and they aced it. Character development and plot-wise, pretty monotonous, everything conveniently falls on the character's lap; when things get hard he just magically becomes better or receives/finds a solution. Strategy isn't much the focus, apart from some dungeon groups.

No deep conflict or tension or relationship building (again, all the relationships are convenient; just a fight then subservience), until now I don't really know the personality of Sung Jinwoo, but it does hand you enough storying that gives you that escapist need. Reality is hard so escape to SL for a world where everything goes your way for once. Mid, but great work to the artists.
