Don’t get me wrong, this was quite a good read. It was nice seeing the story line progress slowly since then it would be more satisfying. But DAMN, I’m with Yohan in saying I feel bad for Seonwoo. If they’re happy together that’s great but also Yuri might wanna see someone about that SEVERE anxiety of his. Realistically, I don’t think anyone wants a partner who’s 21 and still acts like a baby. He swears, calls Seonwoo a manwhore, hurts himself to get pity, takes advantage of Seonwoo’s kindness and jumps to conclusions so easily for like 4 whole chapters. And then the author like doesn’t even think of this as a problem??!!! It’s a big fucking red flag to me. Please stop romanticising this kinda toxicity. I would’ve loved this more if the author actually showed us them working through this as a problem. But, whatever floats your boat I guess.
Don’t get me wrong, this was quite a good read. It was nice seeing the story line progress slowly since then it would be more satisfying. But DAMN, I’m with Yohan in saying I feel bad for Seonwoo. If they’re happy together that’s great but also Yuri might wanna see someone about that SEVERE anxiety of his. Realistically, I don’t think anyone wants a partner who’s 21 and still acts like a baby. He swears, calls Seonwoo a manwhore, hurts himself to get pity, takes advantage of Seonwoo’s kindness and jumps to conclusions so easily for like 4 whole chapters. And then the author like doesn’t even think of this as a problem??!!! It’s a big fucking red flag to me. Please stop romanticising this kinda toxicity. I would’ve loved this more if the author actually showed us them working through this as a problem. But, whatever floats your boat I guess.