It would be a completely different story if he was just being annoying like you said, but this far surpasses that. He's being so maliciously manipulative. He knows exactly what would make his brother break, and uses that to force his brother into a role that benefits himself. The brother is at fault a bit tho for being on that weirdo shit and hitting him, but nevertheless, this is not normal on both of their parts.

Yea he’s a weirdo but at the end of the day he was still a kid with abnormal behavior
You can see he wanted his older brother attention but never got it
So he got it in a way he knew how which is not great
But honestly kids do that, not to taht level of course, but kids do “manipulate” they’re siblings
Like “do thsi with me or that with me or I’ll tell mom or dad” etc.
Idk it must my opinion
I’m not denying that he’s not a weird kid, he sure is but he was obvi just a kid who seemed like he wanted a big brother/ let’s not take that away from him
Okay hear me out.,,
Pretend the ml didn’t look creepy-
Like literally as a child… it’s hiw kids act.. esp if they want an older sibling they’ll act annoying as hell wanting their attention-
It’s the older brother who didn’t give the time of day to his younger brother (I wish he did- they prob would of gad a better relationship)
Literally the Ml just seemed like he wanted to be close to the older brother.
Like why tf would you hit your sibling like that?!
The older brother is weird too