Sisyphus Connections Theory

Reboo March 9, 2025 6:12 am

I have like a running theory going that maybe Guwon was part of some experiment or something that caused everything to happen. I put it as spoiler just in case.

This clearly takes a lot from the Sisyphus myth which centrally focuses on his hubris, and his desire and (temperorary) success at cheating death.

I think there's a group who, in their hubris to chase immortality, they were using Guwon to reach immortality (possibly he was named by the group since his name means 'salvation' and they may have seen him as the answer to immortality).
The group itself is likely funded/created by the extremely wealthy who would see themselves above others and deserving of immortality.
This would make the group the Sisyphus of this story. As they are wealthy (like a King), cheat death in a way that affects the whole world, and have the hubris.

I think many of us were running under the assumption that Guwon came up from underground in ch0, but I went back and he's definitely under building rubble that had just collapsed. Maybe he was in a specific building and fell with the building and dug himself out. (Though I think symbolically he is meant to look like he's coming up from underground like the underworld).
I think maybe he was being held in that building and in the chaos was finally freed. Hence the line "However, perhaps somewhere deep down there were those who longed for the day the world would turn upside down." During the images where he digs himself out. It would also explain his education level if he's been held somewhere his whole life.

Guwon may be, symbolically not literally, Thanatos, the God of Death. The way that Sisyphus halted death all over the world was by chaining down Thanatos, thus causing everyone to become immortal (for a short time). I think the group essentially 'chained down' Guwon thus creating a fucked up immortal life via the undead. Just as humans fear Death itself it could be that they sense or know Guwon is different and are naturally afraid of him. Guwon is upset when he thinks Jinwoo is afraid of him too and cries.

They created the town in anticipation of some event/to keep their future immortal selves away from the common class perhaps? Obviously this doesn't pan out for them, but it creates the connection between them and Guwon, who immediately goes straight to the town like he already knew it existed possibly because he already knew of the group. When he arrives to the town for the first time it is in disarray like something major happened for them to abandon the town despite it being the safest place.
Some current residents that were original residents are only kept around possibly to keep things running or something. It seems expressly told that they would not keep them otherwise outside of an untold reason.

Other mythological connections:

The punishment for Sisyphus to roll a rock up a hill in Tartarus to only roll back down again: The rock at the top of the mountain that Guwon worries will one day fall and crash into the town.

The town on a steep hill being called Stillwater: Sisyphus betrays Zeus by revealing the whereabouts of a River God's daughter in return for a spring in an acropolis, which is a settlement generally built on a steep hill. Made with the purpose of defence and would house royal/ high-status residents.

The quote "How does it feel to survive and come out the other side of Hell": Reference to Hades/the underworld.

    literally chloe price March 9, 2025 7:11 am

    god i love smart people

    junochi March 9, 2025 7:24 am

    you are so hot.
    thanks I needed this
    i was just about to come here and comment asking about how the world setting is a bit weird. if people were just roaming dead and not "zombies", how did the world simply fall apart? they could've just observed cremation, like a lot of other nations do. unless they rose from the ashes?

    LluviaR March 9, 2025 7:27 am

    Wow! That was awesome!

    Fujoforbrains March 9, 2025 8:13 am

    this was a treat to read my friend.

    MeMi March 9, 2025 9:01 am

    Sorry meant to up vote!

    Geq46545 March 9, 2025 11:46 am
    you are so hot. thanks I needed thisi was just about to come here and comment asking about how the world setting is a bit weird. if people were just roaming dead and not "zombies", how did the world simply fall... junochi

    I think the world came to a ruin bc people are not afraid of death anymore. So it is not the classical zombies are attacking us scenerio

    Milktea March 9, 2025 12:34 pm

    Replying so I can reread this whenever I want

    junochi March 9, 2025 6:07 pm
    Replying so I can reread this whenever I want Milktea

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    junochi March 9, 2025 6:10 pm
    I think the world came to a ruin bc people are not afraid of death anymore. So it is not the classical zombies are attacking us scenerio Geq46545

    i don't know about that, in ch0, it just seemed like the world "naturally" came to a ruin
    like shown by that scene of that building falling on a lady? iirc
    also people already saw what death makes of you. you're not a person anymore, you're just a walking corpse. it wouldn't make sense to not be scared of death