To be fair, ash knew his words would probably fall on deaf ears, so he resorted to leaving. He did apologise tho and wrote “I love you” on the post-it…
Dude, Lyle hurts Ash too! When he accuses him of things and never allows him to explain anything while pushing him away, got to hurt a lot! So to me, that statement wasn’t really that rude but coming from a place of frustration, disappointment and hurt.
Dude, Lyle hurts Ash too! When he accuses him of things and never allows him to explain anything while pushing him away, got to hurt a lot! So to me, that statement wasn’t really that rude but coming from a p... BobbMoon
But I mean, that was a pretty shocking piece of information. I think it was a natural response, he had like no time to process it
i don't like ash's response. "if you don't want to listen i won't talk" or whatever he said. RUDE. tell him u love him and ur sorry