By destroying someone else's kid and family? Regardless of her position she shouldn't have done what she did. It was pure selfishness and stupidity. If she wanted to keep her child safe she should've fought harder against the council. She could be an exile if it meant protecting her child. Because that what siyeol parents did. They left. But she chose to sacrifice a kid and a family by chasing them over to where they live for her own convenience while still holding onto the leader's position. What does that tells you? Power hungry bitch that shouldn't be on the top chain. Look at her pulling a stupid stunt out of her ass one after another that affected the supposed "future" leader.

all of those points can be understood based on the fact you have no friends. as such, you literally have no capacity to mention empathy because you lack the objective & logical understanding of being an involved member of society as a reasonable person. there is no "obviously trying" in favour of siyeol by the author because the author has laid down BOTH sides, & YOU EMPATHISE with that sick-headed bitch. people hate her simply because her actions are foul & despite having an explanation, nothing justifies the proportionality of her actions. you empathise with her because you understand her selfishness & arrogance of others being below her - that nobody else is a human being with their right to life & feelings like she is
Seeing siyeol breaking's the guys's hand gives me satisfaction lol. I wish he did the same to that red head woman. She basically got off scot-free with a little scratch on her back after literally caused siyeol to lose his fucking mind and went on a murder rampage. She should've at least got her symbol destroyed for the shit she did to siyeol and his family. Fucking selfish asshole.