those comments hating on the bottom are the WORST. he got cheated on and a man ruined his life but instead of blaming ritsu, yall got mad at masumi instead??? okay victim blamers. yeah he was stupid for getting back with him but it is not easy to move on from your first relationship. ALSO he didnt give in that easily but i do wish the chasing arc was a but longer. it was blatant in your comments that youre only angry at masumi which is crazy.
those comments hating on the bottom are the WORST. he got cheated on and a man ruined his life but instead of blaming ritsu, yall got mad at masumi instead??? okay victim blamers. yeah he was stupid for getting back with him but it is not easy to move on from your first relationship. ALSO he didnt give in that easily but i do wish the chasing arc was a but longer. it was blatant in your comments that youre only angry at masumi which is crazy.