You are applying western perspectives onto an Asian culture. The manga takes place in Japan, not the west.
- Japan is a pronatalist country.
- In Japan, vasectomies are illegal unless you have already had two children and are over the age of thirty.
- The pill and IUDs are very uncommon.
- Plan B is difficult to obtain.
- Mental Health is not considered an essential part of healthcare.
- Abortion and condoms are basically the only forms of birth control, save for abstinence.
- The national term limit is 22 weeks; afterward, it's only acceptable if the mother's life is in danger.
- Abortion is not covered under the national health insurance and must be paid out of pocket.

Those are hurdles yes, but not impossible hurdles to overcome. Everything you listed is either uncommon or difficult or expensive but there. Even without all that my main point which was in all caps was he needs to get some help. Where in any of this has he sought out for help. When the person who loves him tries to even start to address the issue he says some of the most vile things to her. Him implying (mind you she is a people pleaser) she has some part in her being constantly cheated on, beat, and sa by her exs was nasty and purely said out of spite.
Now options that could be discussed if he actually talked to someone
- again therapy even if it’s not considered essential it obviously is for him and Japan definitely has it. If it’s out of pocket that’s something they’ll have to look into budgeting for.
- abortion she’s not that far along and they could possibly take out a loan if they can’t afford the cost up front.
- give the child to her parents for them to raise until he comes to terms with his trauma. Maybe watching him on the weekends and increasing the time until a break through.
-and next time if they don’t go through with the pregnancy plan b by any means necessary gotta stock up if they find a dealer cuz he doing the most.
I’m not saying this stuff is easy but surviving with severe trauma isn’t. You have to be proactive in how you manage it or the people who you love and care for the most will be on the receiving end of it. And somethings you say and do can never be taken back just like his parent couldn’t just say “oh my bad for all that abuse.”

First of all, I 100% agree with what you said and I completely understand your frustrations. I just want to emphasize on what we're dealing with here.
I believe that you are missing a crucial factor in this scenario... it's that Itoshi may not even be aware of the solutions you've brought up; at the current moment at least.
He was raised in a family and society that made him suppress his emotions all his life. This made him bottle everything up and what we're seeing from him now are those ugly outburts of emotions since he couldnt handle the current situation.
Let me remind you that this is a story about a Yandere and a Menhera; two extremely emotionally unstable characters who are often depicted as immature or unhealthy characters. These characters mainly act upon their emotions and let logic come in second (if their emotions are stable enough),
So yea- especially at this early stage of the conflict, Itoshi is just overflowing with emotions right now. His brain is not processing what they'd do or the possibilities of a solution.
Aaanyways, It is indeed very frustrating for logical ppl like us who often focuses on solutions first, but this story's main characters are unstable and emotional at their core. You're most likely already aware of this already. Just wanted to emphasize that again, so yep, nothing we can do about this.
It's good that the author made Itoshi behave this way since the author retained his core characteristic. I wonder how they'll go about with this.
Ah- Im sorry for the long comment. I'll shut up now xD

Valid I just felt it’d be more on brand if he had any other extreme emotion but the disdain he looked at her with really took me off guard. Like wow such a flip. Anguish I could understand anxiety, dread, fear, even anger at the world but he was so spiteful towards the women he’s been OBSESSING OVER and yandere-ing all over because she ended up pregnant. You were part of that process sir. It was an accident yall both equally participated in lol acting like she did something to you.
Ps- what are comment sections for if not long winded rants LOL
Hate him…..
You should have went and got your balls snipped if you weren’t willing to deal with your past trauma. You’re not that old I’ll give you that but dude the baby is on the way and instead of facing it head on you’re lashing out. Ignoring the most obvious and only healthy option GET SOME HELP. I wouldn’t even be mad if he didn’t talk to her about his past right away but a simple,” Hey yeah this pregnancy is actually taking a big toll on my mental health more than I think I can handle alone. I’m not ready to talk to you about this and I want you to just focus on growing our child. I’m working this out with a professional and I’ll let you in when I feel more stable to talk and game plan what this means for our future. Maybe even add on a I still love you and I want to love our child just as much