He’s not a virgin. Chapter 4 his friend says that he fucks the girl next to him. Ladyluck
hes a virgin because he wouldnt give someone his first if hes obessed with hae soo and i think hes been obsessed for a long time now so he wouldnt just sleep around
You sure? The friend says “that’s because he fucks you because that’s all he wants.” I mean if it’s true that he’s a virgin then that’s great. Ladyluck
You sure? The friend says “that’s because he fucks you because that’s all he wants.” I mean if it’s true that he’s a virgin then that’s great. Ladyluck
He definitely is. In ch 36 when Jay says something like "you are not a virgin who just went to a motel for the first time" and then comes the silence... hahaha
Wdym she literally said he was clumsy at first LMAO I’m surprised so many people didn’t pick up he was a virgin a couple chapters ago when Taeha was talking to his servant
You sure? The friend says “that’s because he fucks you because that’s all he wants.” I mean if it’s true that he’s a virgin then that’s great. Ladyluck
That was actually a mistranslation on the English translators part. Check both the Korean and Spanish translations, they both have the correct translation.
Wait Taeha was a virgin??
Then why was he so good in bed?