You guys are not ready what happen next..

Mxchi March 7, 2025 8:13 am

for people that asking for plot, you are not gonna like what happen for next situation, so enjoy this beautiful smut before the fuck up come

    BlueAlien March 7, 2025 8:21 am


    trash March 7, 2025 8:27 am

    telll uussssss

    Mxchi March 7, 2025 9:36 am

    even it break my heart to recall what happen, but i will try to spoil a bit, just my others reply

    Mxchi March 7, 2025 9:50 am
    telll uussssss trash





    If you recall, Kang Jaeha the ex-lover is fucking bastard, he have illusion as power so he used his power to give illusion to tae-gun that they are having sex together but it was actually Tae-gun with other guy :( . Im sorry if the actual story telling will be different later but i get this spoiler from X but this mostly what problem with occur later and Eunsung will be MAD MAD . and no worries Tae-gun also mad af and he freaking not having it when he meet that bastard

    trash March 7, 2025 10:26 am
    SPOILERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..................If you recall, Kang Jaeha the ex-lover is fucking bastard, he have illusion as power so he used his power to give illusion to tae-gun that they are having sex together ... Mxchi

    oh i hope he'll gonna die in the story

    Jasper ◕`ε´◕  March 7, 2025 10:53 am
    SPOILERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..................If you recall, Kang Jaeha the ex-lover is fucking bastard, he have illusion as power so he used his power to give illusion to tae-gun that they are having sex together ... Mxchi

    Wait wait wait bro......did I understand it right or wrong helped me out I'm dying wtf-

    So u means that bastard is actually having sex with tae right now instead of our mL?
    Or it is seo having se* with tae but through that bastard's illusion tae thinks it's that bastard and not seo?!!!Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Homicidal Muffin March 7, 2025 12:17 pm
    Wait wait wait bro......did I understand it right or wrong helped me out I'm dying wtf-So u means that bastard is actually having sex with tae right now instead of our mL? Or it is seo having se* with tae but t... Jasper ◕`ε´◕ 

    I believe currently he's having sex with Seo but maybe in the next few chapters we will see the illusion power happen. Not sure how it will happen but that's what i got from there spoiler ( ̄へ ̄)

    GregsPhatBussyLips March 7, 2025 1:39 pm
    SPOILERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR..................If you recall, Kang Jaeha the ex-lover is fucking bastard, he have illusion as power so he used his power to give illusion to tae-gun that they are having sex together ... Mxchi

    huhhhh how the hell can Jaeha give Taegun an illusion when Taegun is much stronger tho...

    Jasper ◕`ε´◕  March 7, 2025 1:45 pm
    I believe currently he's having sex with Seo but maybe in the next few chapters we will see the illusion power happen. Not sure how it will happen but that's what i got from there spoiler ( ̄へ ̄) Homicidal Muffin

    F I ain't reading the next chapters hell no
    I'll come back on april

    Mxchi March 7, 2025 5:43 pm
    huhhhh how the hell can Jaeha give Taegun an illusion when Taegun is much stronger tho... GregsPhatBussyLips

    back then, tae-gun is not awaken yet, thus why the ex can do anything to him and more powerful

    Mxchi March 7, 2025 5:45 pm
    I believe currently he's having sex with Seo but maybe in the next few chapters we will see the illusion power happen. Not sure how it will happen but that's what i got from there spoiler ( ̄へ ̄) Homicidal Muffin

    they already cut-off every relationship, all that fuck up thing happen long time ago, even before taegun become S-rank hunter . now tae-gun only intimate with eunsung

    GregsPhatBussyLips March 7, 2025 8:33 pm
    back then, tae-gun is not awaken yet, thus why the ex can do anything to him and more powerful Mxchi

    oohhh i thought you meant it WILL happen not that it already happened

    Homicidal Muffin March 9, 2025 5:05 pm
    they already cut-off every relationship, all that fuck up thing happen long time ago, even before taegun become S-rank hunter . now tae-gun only intimate with eunsung Mxchi

    yes i remember that part, i thought that you meant that it will happen again