This ML is even sane to a very great extent. Read 'corrosive'; the ML is just a wild beast just fckin' and fckin'. Oh and don't get me started 'The heart of the lotus' whenever I read this particular one, I tend to forget I have to get turned on. The ML in this particular ' the heart of the lotus' is the senior brother to this one. Just that he's ugly with a evil heart. Bra r@pes for a living.
I didn't read the heart of the lotus yet but that manhwa have r@pe??!?? Woahhh.... Iyzvvv
Just set your mind as hard as stone while reading it. Cuz you gonna hate the ML like crazy nd he's not even fine to console someone's mind. He's drop dead ugly.
This ML is even sane to a very great extent. Read 'corrosive'; the ML is just a wild beast just fckin' and fckin'. Oh and don't get me started 'The heart of the lotus' whenever I read this particular one, I tend to forget I have to get turned on. The ML in this particular ' the heart of the lotus' is the senior brother to this one. Just that he's ugly with a evil heart. Bra r@pes for a living.