how do u even redeem this mf authors legit need to stop writing the most HORRIBLE n EVIL characters js to try n give them a redemption arc like??? i genuinely don’t even want to see ml happy no fuck that i don’t even wanna see this guy on my screen anymore this shit is ass i can’t read it like i don’t care how he was tricked into thinking mc was a spy bruh if i was betrayed by the person i loved w all my heart i’m not feeding them drugs n raping them until proven innocent like dude id actually rather u kill the poor guy what is wrong w u
like what i don’t feel bad for u bc what is there to feel bad for
how do u even redeem this mf authors legit need to stop writing the most HORRIBLE n EVIL characters js to try n give them a redemption arc like??? i genuinely don’t even want to see ml happy no fuck that i don’t even wanna see this guy on my screen anymore this shit is ass i can’t read it like i don’t care how he was tricked into thinking mc was a spy bruh if i was betrayed by the person i loved w all my heart i’m not feeding them drugs n raping them until proven innocent like dude id actually rather u kill the poor guy what is wrong w u
like what i don’t feel bad for u bc what is there to feel bad for