The panel with Jaheon panting while saying that he belongs to Mugo made me feel things. Not just primal lust, but pure adoration for his existence. Everything from the slight blush to those lively eyes is so captivating. If I was Mugo I would cherish him for the eternity, making him feel loved. Each day would be like the last and he wouldn't need to deal with any of worldly worries. His gaze is like the first breath of spring, and would made my heart flutter like of mere adolescent. I wouldn't leave his side, not even when our bodies decompose and our souls wither.
The panel with Jaheon panting while saying that he belongs to Mugo made me feel things. Not just primal lust, but pure adoration for his existence. Everything from the slight blush to those lively eyes is so captivating. If I was Mugo I would cherish him for the eternity, making him feel loved. Each day would be like the last and he wouldn't need to deal with any of worldly worries. His gaze is like the first breath of spring, and would made my heart flutter like of mere adolescent. I wouldn't leave his side, not even when our bodies decompose and our souls wither.