Yes it’s from source material and no he was not fully clothed. Reread chapter 39 and look closely as he moves to get up. In one panel, he stands up, the focus is on his shoes/picking up his clothes, but you can see his pants scrunched around his legs and what seems to be the crotch area of the pants connected at the bottom. Then when you see the next panel, you see his back, as well as his right arm reaching/in front of the area where his waistband would be. It implied his pants were pulled down and he pulled them back up.
Additional implied scene in that same chapter is when the guy is peeing on him, look at the color difference between the pee and the liquid on his face that’s already there. The pee is yellow and the substance already in his face is white/clear. As he looks up and is about to spit, you can see a pubic hair on his cheek. Both the substance, hair, and spit, imply they forced him to give a bj.
Some spoilers in future chapters that show more implied scenes of him getting raped:
Chapter 40:
Brett talks about the event. There’s a scene of brett’s POV looking at one of the guys who’s blonde, crouching in front of him- as Brett is seemingly laid back or leaning back with his knees propped up.
Then there’s three actual straight to the point forced bj images with their hands on the back of brett’s head pushing his head to suck one of the guy’s dick.
Chapter 41: Brett thinks of another scene where one of the guys with a buzz cut is on top of him and choking him.
Chapter 45: Brett tells Hayden exactly what happened to him. Brett says that the test results were fine, and that he made sure to use condoms with Hayden after the incident.
There may be additional info but we can wait until the translation comes out.

Then you can also look at the panel where the assaulters are walking away and Brett’s shadow is looking at them in the background. He’s sitting on the ground and notice his pants. His pants seem to be stretched and are connected, as one knee is propped up and the other is down. Usually that won’t happen to jeans unless it’s pulled down and stretched out. His pants were not that baggy while it was properly fitted on him.
I guess the author needed to make it more obvious by making skin show or his underwear on the ground for people to see it lmao.
wait so he was kidnapped just to be taken into the woods to be pissed on? like thats it??? ok sure a video too maybe but thats it??? .... im just so confused. im happy it wasnt a gangrape at least. i really hate when bl add rape for no fucking reason. hits way to close to home.