
What are you talking about??? I dropped this series a while back but re-read all of the chapters because of your comment which made it out to be like Dan had some sort of hidden personality... but no. He's just treating Jaekyung a bit coldly because he is (rightfully) mad. This is exactly what happened in BJ alex. Ya'll exaggerate a bit much.
Honestly, i thought the author would propose something like bj alex, which i wouldn't have disliked anyway…. Until ch. 63 the dynamics led me to think that things were predictable but this.. WOW!! ch.63 and 64 - what a show! here is the character i like to see in Dan!! Dear Author, thanks for the great s3x scene (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ when Dan treats him badly JJ gave the best of himself! AND - in this last chapter, i'm happy to have read something more about Dan’s hidden personality and unexpected behavior, he makes me so tender.. ohhh boy.. i hope that at this point JJ also starts to appreciate him more as a person, and not just for pity … would he see this boy's value ? He for sure care about him, let’s see how this story develops