Rant at people mad over Lass and harems

medchan March 6, 2025 8:31 pm

I have to say, I find it hilarious that so many people are lambasting Lass in the comments for not wanting to abolish the harem system. Quick question for those who have an issue with it.....

What are YOU doing, as an individual, to overturn the broken systems in YOUR country? Not what your government or your elected officials are doing. What are you as an individual, doing to fix the broken systems? "Oh but I'm not a princess or an empress!" Okay, and? You're still an individual. What major changes have you contributed to, not including voting.

It is very easy to sit here, after reading about a broken system, and complain that in the same situation you would never use or abuse it. However, the reality is, the majority of people are lazy. To enact change, real change, you have to consistently go outside of your comfort zone and then FAIL. And fail again. And fail again. And fail again. And live with the knowledge that you may spend your entire LIFE only knowing failure, but by your failures, someone 100 years or more from now might know change. And if that knowledge of reality makes you uncomfortable, go study history, really study it. For as many changes and progress was made, there were huge set backs and failures. It takes 100s of years to make change. I think a few of you have gotten too comfortable with the novels that have the FL make schools or enable divorce and seem to think that kind of progress is easy. Reality is that divorce is still a relatively new concept (as seen today) and when it existed in the ancient past, it was taken away multiple times across multiple cultures. Schools aren't a new concept either and they've both existed and been denied multiple times. That's what change entails. It entails those failures, where all the positives and progress made are wiped out by a single generation and it takes another 100 years to get back to the past. THAT'S the kind of failure you have to be willing to accept to create change, knowing that all your progress can be wiped out and undone in an instant, with you being unable to stop it.

No, I don't agree with the harem system. It is inherently broken and flawed as a system. However, I don't think Lass is wrong for not trying to change it, for not even thinking of the possibility of changing it. It's very easy to advocate for change but as someone who actually tried to make change and watched it all get wiped out in an instant with no way to bring back the changes I made, I don't think a lot of people know how soul crushing that is. How actual progress can be lost in the name of "change" based on politics instead of what's best for people and because governing systems are involved, the people trying to make change are left to pick up the pieces and start at square 1. Lass is at square 1 when it comes to change and you're asking her to dismantle a system that spans the CONTINENT. You are asking a single person to make a change that effects multiple countries and people of different cultures and beliefs. They would all have to agree with it. Maybe she gets lucky and is only the size of Europe or maybe she's unlucky and it's the size of EuroAsia. There's no knowing. And yet, you complain that she didn't even think of wanting to take on a project that even the UN would balk at to make change.
