Genuinely also so confused, I want to know who he released in that last panel and who he set on fire because even going back and rereading I can’t quite understand who these people are. Also, is it just me or does it feel like he’s still going to die?? Ken was foreshadowing hella hard with the “why are you being so affectionate/clingy when no one is watching, it’s like you’re saying goodbye” and he made THAT face and I was like are you FUCKING KIDDING but then he is setting all the stuff on fire?? So is he going through with the plan or is he ending it all but wanting to make sure they can’t try this all over again with some other unfortunate souls??

ALSOOO totally out there and probably not correct at all but just a thought, Cain mentions that Death hasn’t reincarnated in so long and he’s annoyed because why would his lover not be pulling up by now right? What if the one being set on fire is Death who has been trapped and tortured somehow? Again, seems unlikely but was just a thought I had since Agia is talking to it saying he thought he would end up like him and related to him.

Right right right!! Does it ever say WHY the person of the sun dies before the age of 30? And Ken with this whole all of a sudden knowing it all is throwing me tf off. There is DEFINITELY things that Agia knows but just isn't saying. The whole Cain thing is weird too and I feel like it's just gonna end with like a BIG END like everybody bout to die type of thing
DOES ANYONE WANT TO TALK ABOUT THE LATEST RAW??. Wtf was Agia doing??? Who tf did he just set on fire? I swear this story has so many ups and downs and plot twists I can't keep up