Thank God It's Over

WoojinKim March 6, 2025 3:42 pm

Season 1 was so good that I was recommending it to people as one of my favourites for being how cute it was, but Season 2 was just horrendous that I ended up hate reading just for the sake of me wanting to finish the story. I even dropped it midway around Chapter 50 cause I was that frustrated ( should've done so sooner tbh ) but came back since it finally ended.

I and many other readers will say the same thing that Season 2 could've ended way sooner if there wasn't so much BS and unresolved stuff (that remained unresolved btw), which rendered it unreadable. What I suggest is to skip Season 2 entirely I can even sum up the whole of season 2 for you so you don't have to go through what I and many others went through.

Season 2 Plot:
1. I like you but I'm going to over think and question it over and over again cause I'm Insecure and I'm going to keep it to myself because wtf is communication.
2. Tell me your feelings, Idk what you are thinking of sometimes, it makes me mad, sad and useless causing me to feel Insecure and question our relationship.
3. Fuck the thinking and problems we have, I will keep things to myself cause fuck communicating, so let's have Sex so I can shut your mouth up with my huge cock and make you forget about it after fucking your brains out- oh wait you still remember and now you're crying alone and over thinking which makes you even more insecure.
4. Repeat that same cycle over 60 chapters and you get the whole of Season 2.

NGL the Extras would've been a better Season 2 than Season 2 if only it just needed some extra development.
Anyways, giving it 1 Star dispite loving Season 1. Season 2 just ruined everything for me. Joon is such a red flag to me, but he is still hot.
