This is definitely not painter of the night and I kinda like it. Give me psychological manga’s cause I’ll be sat. I think ml is obsessed with mc but also in love with mc not in the love we might think love is but his type of love ( y’all can argue with me) cause I don’t see it as just mere obsession the way he’s bending his back the ( I mean this as an expression) for mc, such as the whole test which is psycho of him, but the flowers the regret. And I really think it will end with ml either killing himself or mc trying to kill him or he will kill himself cause he can’t stand it. If the author tries changing this into “ I can fix him” I will be pissed
This is definitely not painter of the night and I kinda like it. Give me psychological manga’s cause I’ll be sat. I think ml is obsessed with mc but also in love with mc not in the love we might think love is but his type of love ( y’all can argue with me) cause I don’t see it as just mere obsession the way he’s bending his back the ( I mean this as an expression) for mc, such as the whole test which is psycho of him, but the flowers the regret. And I really think it will end with ml either killing himself or mc trying to kill him or he will kill himself cause he can’t stand it. If the author tries changing this into “ I can fix him” I will be pissed